POCO India has officially announced the launch of its latest mid-range powerhouse, the POCO X7 Pro, in India and global markets on 9th January 2025. The POCO X7 Pro will be priced under ₹30,000 and is shaping up to be a game-changer in its segment with a Dimensity 8400 Ultra and a 6,550 mAh battery. This makes the X7 Pro the fastest smartphone in the under ₹30,000 category setting a new benchmark.
Under the hood, the POCO X7 Pro equips the MediaTek Dimensity 8400 Ultra SoC delivering a significant boost in performance. The device also comes with LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage, ensuring faster data speeds and smoother performance. According to POCO, the device achieves an impressive AnTuTu score of over 1.7 million, a 20% increase compared to its predecessor, the POCO X6 Pro powered by the Dimensity 8300 Ultra.
The POCO X7 Pro packs a 6,550 mAh carbon silicon battery, a first for the Indian market. Interestingly, the global variant comes with a slightly smaller 6,000 mAh battery, highlighting POCO’s focus on delivering superior battery life to Indian consumers.
The device also supports 90W fast charging and integrates advanced charging technologies like Surge P2 charging chip and Surge G1 battery management chip for optimal efficiency, over 58 safety measures ensuring secure and reliable charging, a lifespan of over 1,600 charging cycles, retaining 80% battery health even after prolonged use.
Additionally, the phone incorporates a 5,000 mm² stainless steel VC cooling system with an ultra-thin 3D IceLoop design, AI temperature control, and Wildboost Optimization 3.0. Together with HyperOS 2.0, the device promises high-quality image rendering, seamless high-refresh-rate gaming, and a revamped UI experience.
The POCO X7 Pro sports a 6.67-inch 1.5K 120 Hz LTPS OLED display, 50 MP f/1.5 main camera with OIS and 4K 60 fps video recording support, 8 MP f/2.2 ultra-wide lens, and 20 MP selfie camera.
More details and features are expected to be revealed in the coming days, stay tuned for the launch!
#POCO #Pro #launch #India #9th #January #Dimensity #Ultra #6550mAh #battery